Experten bezweifeln Qualität des Impfstoffs “Impfungen möglicherweise nicht zum Vorteil der Gesundheit in Deutschland”
Eine Gruppe von fünf Wissenschaftlern hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Thema Qualitäts- und Produktsicherung des Impfstoffs von Biontech/Pfizer genauer unter die Lupe...
Moderna’s president says if you can hack the rules of mRNA, “the entire kingdom...
Moderna President Stephen Hoge once said that if you can hack the rules of mRNA, “essentially the entire kingdom of life is available...
The Violence of Colonialism and the Exploitation of Africa. The Myth of Independence
“When missionaries came to Africa, we had the land, they had the bible. We closed our eyes to pray. When we opened them, we...
Politik: 2G-Regel abgeschafft – ab Freitag!
Bei dem Corona-Gipfel ist offenbar ein Beschluss gefasst worden und ein Lockerungsplan wurde beschlossen.
Ab dem 20. März sollen demnach alle "tiefgreifenderen Schutzmaßnahmen" entfallen
Derzeit ist...
Pfizer CEO expects more people will need COVID pills in future, essentially admitting vaccines...
Pfizer CEO expects more people will need COVID pills in future, essentially admitting vaccines don’t work.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday, February 8, predicted...
Bundesregierung: Ende der Maßnahmen im März
Das Ende der Corona-Regeln scheint nah zu sein. Am Mittwoch werden Bund und Länder über Details ringen.
Olaf Scholz (Archivlbild)Bild: Depositphotos
Der Expertenrat der Bundesregierung hält Corona-Lockerungen...
Frankincense: One of the most powerful medicines from Mother Nature
Frankincense has been used as a natural remedy by various cultures for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used frankincense as an insect repellant,...
The 5 most TOXIC VACCINES ever invented and how they maim and kill humans
If the mass media and big pharma funding was not behind the fables printed and told about vaccines being “safe and effective,” the science...
Stunning German analysis finds that COVID-19 vaccine death rates are FAR higher than previously...
A shocking new analysis from a German researcher using data from several countries reveals that there have been “thousands” more “daily deaths” from...
The Real Benefits of Lemon Water According to Science
Most of us have seen the Top 10 lists of why we should be drinking lemon water. But do we really know the added...