Why so much problems in marriage in abroad? Find out on #GQ TV today!

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Germany – Saarbrücken:
This evening on #GQTV- 04-12-2021 live Show- Mr Annin & Sister Dora shares the facts of the matter in marriage on the programm “THE STORY” with these questions, For Men: Secrecy, Dealing with money, Multiple parnerts, Lifestyle & Trust while question for Women: Respect, Cheating, Pettiness, Bad Friendship/ association & Discontenment.

Why so much problems in marriage in abroad ? and rest of the world 75% unhappy with their partners, and 15% Women are crying indoors because of their position in the church and other way round ” with so called  outside gentility, home cry” – and 10% dying yearly for “so called” Love.
Mr. Annin has been married for over twenty five years & Sister Dora for twenty years. Listen to them to learn the difficulties and easy going in marriage.

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