28 C
Wednesday 26 March, 2025
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Up to 400 euros tax-free greenhouse gas reduction (GHG) premium for e-vehicles (cars, scooters)...

Berlin- Parliament: Drivers of an electric car, e-scooter and other e-vehicles can look forward to bonuses of up to 400 euros per vehicle via the...
Federal Constitutional Court: Consider the number of children in long-term care insurance

Federal Constitutional Court demands relief for families with children in long-term care insurance

Karlsruhe The Federal Constitutional Court is calling on politicians to change the contribution rates for parents from the second child onwards in statutory long-term care...

Overview of the dates of the measures of the second relief package: 9 euro...

Berlin In Germany there are many measures to relieve the citizens because of high energy and petrol prices. We already report on some relief packages,...

Gradual tax reduction at gas stations for three months from Wednesday 1st. June, 2022

Berlin From Wednesday, June 1st, 2022, taxes on fuel will fall sharply, but drivers could be disappointed by the fuel prices. The tax cut is...

Energy cost relief package 2022: Energy price flat rate (EPP, Energiepreispauschale)

one-off flat-rate EPP up to EUR 300 for Energy price Berlin - Parliament: All employed persons who are subject to income tax are to be...

Family package: Child bonus until 100 EUR in July 2022

Relief packages for families: Child bonus until 100 euros in July 2022 The federal government wants to relieve families because of the increased energy prices...
Travel with the 9-euro ticket

Energy cost relief package: Advance sales for the 9-euro ticket start on May 23rd

The Federal Government, the federal parliament and the Council of each 16 federal states (Bundesrat) approved the 9-euro ticket. Advance sales start on Monday,...

Travellers in Germany this summer 2022 – 9-Euro-Train-ticket across the country

9-Euro ticket this summer 2022 for those who wants to travel by train and bus across Germany, government intended to provide inexpensive access to...

Experten bezweifeln Qualität des Impfstoffs “Impfungen möglicherweise nicht zum Vorteil der Gesundheit in Deutschland”

Eine Gruppe von fünf Wissenschaftlern hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, das Thema Qualitäts- und Produktsicherung des Impfstoffs von Biontech/Pfizer genauer unter die Lupe...

Politik: 2G-Regel abgeschafft – ab Freitag!

Bei dem Corona-Gipfel ist offenbar ein Beschluss gefasst worden und ein Lockerungsplan wurde beschlossen. Ab dem 20. März sollen demnach alle "tiefgreifenderen Schutzmaßnahmen" entfallen Derzeit ist...
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