Former Akwatia MP Criticizes Government’s Cement Price Regulation Efforts

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In a recent appearance on Channel One TV’s “The Big Issue,” former Member of Parliament for Akwatia, Baba Jamal, strongly criticized the Akufo-Addo administration. His criticism centers on the Trade and Industry Minister, KT Hammond’s efforts to regulate cement prices through a proposed legislative instrument. Jamal views this move as indicative of the government’s disregard for the well-being of Ghanaians.

Baba Jamal highlighted that the sharp rise in cement prices has caused significant concern. Instead of addressing the underlying factors contributing to these price hikes, the government has chosen to draft a legislative instrument to regulate prices. Jamal emphasized that such a legislative measure must have passed through the cabinet, where it should have been reconsidered and potentially withdrawn. He attributes the failure to halt the process to what he describes as the government’s “wickedness” towards its citizens.

Jamal warned of the adverse effects this regulation could have on the market. He argued that imposing price controls could lead to cement shortages as manufacturers might cease production if they are forced to sell at lower, regulated prices. Instead, he urged the government to investigate the root causes of the price increases and explore ways to support cement manufacturers. According to Jamal, the focus should be on mitigating production costs rather than enforcing lower selling prices.

Trade and Industry Minister KT Hammond has submitted the proposed legislative instrument to Parliament, aiming to regulate cement pricing across the country. This move has prompted further concern and debate among stakeholders.

Baba Jamal advised the government to withdraw the legislative instrument to prevent potential backlash and physical objections. Drawing parallels with recent events in Kenya, he cautioned that Ghana should learn from these situations to avoid similar unrest. “The government must take this issue seriously and withdraw the LI,” Jamal stated emphatically.

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