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IRREFUTABLE evidence: mRNA COVID jab causes vascular and organ damage

  We already have hard proof that the mRNA COVID shots can damage vascular health – indeed, cardiovascular problems like heart inflammation (myocarditis, pericarditis) are listed as adverse effects in unsealed Pfizer documents and in Pfizer’s mRNA jab package insert. Now, a duo of doctors has combed through a large collection of data to reveal just how damaging these shots...

Top 15 Healing Properties of the Ginger Family (and Some Side Effects)

Top 15 Healing Properties of the Ginger Family (and Some Side Effects) Do you have any idea just how amazing the ginger family plants are for your health? Ginger itself is already a rockstar’—known for curing sore throats, decreasing inflammation, and alleviating joint pain—but there are a number of other truly amazing plants in the ginger family. In fact, some of the...

15 Zinc Deficiency Symptoms and Best Food Sources

15 Zinc Deficiency Symptoms and Best Food  Sources Zinc deficiency is a common problem throughout the world that contributes to many unwanted health problems.  Zinc is a foundational mineral that is essential to human and animal growth patterns and has an essential role in the development of hormones and immune molecules.  Zinc is one of the best mineral supplements...

7 Healing Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

  Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) has been used for medicinal purposes for over 2,500 years especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ancient Persians, Greeks, and Romans added lavender flowers to their bathwater. The name itself comes from the Latin “lavare” meaning to wash. The Egyptians used lavender as a perfume, as well as for mummification. Today lavender is the most popular essential oil...

Healing Benefits of Nuts

Healing Benefits of Nuts For thousands of years, nuts have been known for their versatility, flavor, texture, and most of all their health benefits. But did you know that the nut has a long history? An archaeological excavation in Israel turned up the remnants of several different types of nuts thought to have been consumed by man around 780,000 years ago!...

Why All Diabetics Should Know About Turmeric

Why All Diabetics Should Know About Turmeric   Many diabetics already know about the benefits of a low-glycemic diet and the need for regular exercise, but why haven’t they heard about turmeric, one of the world’s most extensively researched anti-diabetic plants? A recent literature review published in the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, titled '' Anti-Hyperglycemic Effect and Insulin Sensitizing Effects of...

The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About

The Powerful Aspirin Alternative Your Doctor Never Told You About Aspirin’s long held promises are increasingly falling flat. A natural, safer and more effective alternative to this synthetic drug has been known about for at least 15 years! In a previous article titled “The Evidence Against Aspirin and For Natural Alternatives,” we discussed the clear and present danger linked with the...

Cumin’s Health Benefits Rediscovered

Traded along spice routes separating ancient cultures by vast distances, spices like cumin were once worth their weight in gold. Has modern science now revealed why, beyond their remarkable aesthetic value, they were so highly prized? Many spices are perfectly happy living a charmed life as seasonings, peppering things generously with flavor, and without ever arousing the suspicion that they...

Protect Your Bones With 8 Natural Osteoprotectives

Your bones support your entire body. Isn't it time to find natural alternatives to strengthen them? Bones are literally the structure of your body. As you age, bone loss happens. But there are eight natural osteoprotectives -- including puerarin, boswellia, citrus naringin, resveratrol, certain vitamins and whole foods like dried plums -- that could help prevent the deterioration of your...

Parasites: Types, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment

Parasites: Types, Symptoms, Tests, and Treatment How much do you know about parasites? The average person doesn’t know a whole lot about these harmful and largely unseen critters. But if you have a complex chronic illness or just want to be healthier overall, you need to learn about these pathogens. Most conventional physicians and healthcare professionals in the United States aren’t...