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Why There is No Such Thing as ‘Safe’ Tap Water

Water is life, as the saying goes. And it's more than just a poetic phrase. Water is so intrinsically connected to life, if you counted all the molecules in the human body, 99% of them would be water! On average, a human life can be sustained for up to three weeks without food for up to three weeks without food,...

Slimy jute mallow, spider plant and other African vegetables hailed as superfoods

Spinach and kale often take center stage in the U.S. when it comes to superfoods. But according to researchers, African vegetables like bitter gourd and jute plants are just as good as, and sometimes even better than, other popular superfoods. Despite the unappetizing names, African nightshade, slimy jute plant leaves and the spider plant should be reconsidered as powerful superfoods....

It’s looking more and more like monkeypox is a cover story for covid vaccine-induced shingles, autoimmune blisters and herpes

It’s looking more and more like monkeypox is a cover story for covid vaccine-induced shingles, autoimmune blisters and herpes One of the many adverse events linked to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” is reactivation of the varicella- zoster virus, which can manifest as herpes, chickenpox, autoimmune blisters, and monkeypox. In fact, monkeypox is often indistinguishable from chickenpox, which, when it manifests...

10 Dangerous chemicals living in your home

You’d be amazed by how many different toxic, dangerous, and even potentially deadly chemicals are living in your home! Some masquerade as innocuous items you use on a daily basis, while others are found in your cleaning supplies. Wherever they are, it’s important that you know the potential danger you’re in so you can find safe, non-toxic alternatives for your...

ALERT: How drinking soda can damage your kidney function, study warns

  ALERT: How drinking soda can damage your kidney function, study warns We’ve all seen advertisements of people guzzling ice-cold soft drinks on a hot summer day.  But, while drinking a cold soda on a hot day may sound appealing to some people, a recent study published in the American Journal of Physiology warns that it may damage your kidneys. In fact, the...

Top 6 Quercetin Benefits That’ll Transform Your Health

Top 6 Quercetin Benefits That’ll Transform Your Health Do you feel like your immune and respiratory system needs some extra love? Well, look no further than the flavonoid quercetin. Quercetin is a naturally occurring antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, including dark berries, grapes, and dark leafy greens! Green tea and red wine are also known to have notable...

7 Amazing Medicinal Mushrooms for Cancer Care and Prevention

7 Amazing Medicinal Mushrooms for Cancer Care and Prevention Medicinal mushrooms have a rich history in many ancient Asian healing practices, and have been customarily prescribed and used for countless ailments. There is mounting scientific evidence to prove that certain varieties of mushrooms are among the most powerful functional foods for cancer prevention and treatment. With enough science on their...

Top Remedies for Sore Throat

A sore throat is considered a scratchy, dry, and aching feeling in the throat. Among the most usual symptoms of sore throat is pain. What’s more, sore throat calls for more than 13 million visits to the offices of doctors every year. In most cases, sore throats occur through infections or through different external factors, such as extremely dry...

African Cup of Nations (AFCON): Women’s Football 2022 in Morocco

Rabat (Morocco) The Women's African Cup of Nations will be held from July 2 to 23 in Morocco in Rabat and Casablanca. Editor: Y. Maiga

Good news for Mali: Ordinary session of ECOWAS Heads of State in Accra lift economic sanctions against Mali

Accra, Ghana The 61st Ordinary Session of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) held on July 3 in Accra, Ghana takes important decisions:First of all, the economic sanctions imposed by ECOWAS against Mali since January 9, 2022 have been lifted. However, ECOWAS maintains individual sanctions against certain leaders of the junta and...