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Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis), known as the ‘elixir of youth’ in Russia, held a legendary status in ancient times for its miraculous healing properties. Fighting deadly cancers and curing diseases from Aids to baldness to insomnia are all in a days work for this magical gift from nature.
The classical Ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda (and other Ancient traditions), regarded Aloe Vera as sacred. To this day the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant are laid atop of funeral pyres to symbolise eternal rebirth.
The juice of the Aloe Vera plant is most beneficial when drank, but it can also be applied to just about any part of the body including the hair; doing so will produce numerous benefits. Once applied, it shares its innate natural vitamins and enzymes with the surrounding area of the body resulting in a deeply moisturising and healing effect.
Studies have proven that Aloe Vera can speed up the healing of wounds, improve oxygen levels in the blood and that it contains anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties as well as having a whole host of other benefits. Its clear to see why Aloe Vera has such a strong reputation as a healing plant.
Just this week I was playing football and unfortunately (probably due to wearing trainers slightly too small) ended up with two large and painful blisters on my feet. The first thing I did when I got home was to apply some aloe vera to them. Almost straight away the pain lessened and by the morning it was clear that the Aloe Vera had blessed me with its healing powers. After another two nights of sparingly applying the juice to the blisters on my feet they had almost vanished. Usually when I get these type of blisters they stay with me at least a week or more. I was very grateful for the healing power that this plant shared with me.
For further details on this wonder-plants uses and lists of problems that aloe vera treats, click here.

Nutritional Content
Aloe Vera contains 20 amino acids which are essential for the production of muscle tissue . 8 of these cannot be produced by the body and must be found within the diet. Also provides over 7 key enzymes which enhance nutrient absorption and helps breakdown food.
Minerals within Aloe Vera include Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc. These are all essential components to good health.
Furthermore Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B, B-1, B-2, Choline, B12,and Folic Acid all with their own unique benefits. This repertoire of nutritional content will aid the body with countless processes and further highlights the significant contributions Aloe Vera can make to our health.
The above scientific facts can only go so far in explaining the medicinal phenomenon of Aloe Vera as it is the synergy from the combination of all the above properties that truly gives the plant such divine healing strength.
Recorded use of Aloe Vera dates back to over 6,000 years ago, it was used by Ancient Civilisations all across the globe.
The American Indians include Aloe Vera as part of their 16 sacred plants. They used every aspect of the plant; cooking the leaves, applying the pulp and drinking the gel in order to derive many healing benefits.
In ancient Japan, Samurais anointed themselves with the pulp of Aloe Vera as it was believed this would make them immortal! This may be a slight exaggeration, however you can imagine that the aloe vera-covered samurai would benefit massively upon suffering a wound in battle as the plant would begin working its wound-healing magic straight away.
This admittedly bizarre belief did not end with the Samurais though, you may have heard of the Knights Templar and the Brotherhood of Assassins – they too used Aloe Vera in similar ways as an elixir to promote long life.
In ancient Egypt Aloe Vera has been used as a healing plant where it was considered the ‘plant of immortality’. The history of this plant is truly fascinating, if you wish to read more on the history then look no further than here.
These long-gone civilisations were somewhat more advanced in harnessing Nature’s healing powers in their raw forms unlike modern medicine with its widespread and questionable methods of isolating certain properties from plants and then adding controversial fillers such as maltodextrin and other neurotoxic food additives. Common sense would ask is it not be best to leave Nature to work its magic in its natural, fresher form?
If these ancient civilisations were using Aloe Vera successfully for such a wide array of ailments why has modern day medicine not thoroughly adopted this and some of Nature’s other legendary healing plants?
Fortunately compassionate people are taking things into their own hands; I have heard of nurses from burns units of hospitals upon releasing patients, recommending the daily use of aloe vera and manuka honey in order to heal scars suffered from burns.
Inspired? Grow your own!
When Spring comes aloe vera is at the top of my list of plants to grow this year, if your interested in growing it, which is ridiculously easy, then check out this link. Bookmark this for when you are ready to harvest your own liquid gold!
And Finally…
Aloe Vera’s unique and astonishing characteristics make it one of the most prized jewels in mother earth’s crown. Its worth remembering that our forests, jungles, gardens and even shops are teeming with similar mystical and miraculous gifts from Nature. In this glorious new year we should all endeavor to embrace Nature’s resources and reap the rewards of a healthy mind body and spirit.
Editor: Steve ( The Guy who knows some stuff)