Entrepreneur’s GH¢1 Million Goat Farming Venture Threatened by Traditional Taboo in Berekum Senase

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In a dramatic turn of events, Fredrick Benneh Frimpong, a young entrepreneur from Berekum Senase, is facing a significant challenge as traditional leaders have given him a two-week ultimatum to relocate his GH¢1 million goat farm. The community’s leadership has declared it taboo to keep goats, putting Frimpong’s substantial investment at risk.

The founder and CEO of Semanhyia Learning and Development Farms, Frimpong shared in a recent New Year broadcast the distressing sequence of events. According to him, the community was notified of this decision, which was followed by a group of young men slaughtering goats in the area with machetes.

Initially, Frimpong believed that the order targeted only those who let their goats roam freely, not affecting structured farms like his. However, the situation took a personal turn when his mother was summoned to the palace during his trip to South Africa. She was instructed to relocate the farm due to its perceived incompatibility with local spiritual beliefs.

The entrepreneur highlighted the scale of his investment, totaling over GH¢1 million in 2023 alone. This includes the cultivation of specialized grass, drilling of boreholes, acquisition of high-value breeds, and construction of infrastructure. The sudden demand to relocate has put all these investments at risk.

Frimpong has appealed to the chiefs for a three-month extension to establish a new farm and safely transfer his livestock. However, his pleas have so far been met with refusal, leaving him with the dire option of selling his goats to mitigate losses.

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