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From spice rack to superhero: How ginger puts infection-fighting white blood cells on “high alert”

Experts warn that antibiotic resistance, in which disease-causing bacteria become immune to the drugs meant to defeat them, is reaching dangerous levels worldwide.  In fact, even the Centers for Disease Control reports that this emerging public health crisis caused over 5 million deaths around the globe in 2019 alone.  As scientists scramble to identify natural products that can serve...

How cocoa and dark chocolate bring sweet relief to blood pressure

Tea, grapes, chocolate, blueberries, apples, and red wine all share a common ingredient: flavanols.  These bioactive chemicals have been found to support healthy blood pressure In particular, cocoa extract flavanols have shown promising results in improving vascular risk factors in older adults, as highlighted in the short-term trials discussed below. Cocoa extract supplementation and cardiovascular disease: Insights from a large-scale...

Health WARNING: How sugar depletes your body of 5 essential nutrients

Most people know that eating too much sugar can cause high blood glucose, insulin spikes, and obesity.  It can also elevate the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.  However, excess glucose can also lead to nutrient deficiencies that impact the levels of vitamins and minerals in your cells, way before a disease develops. Sugar does this by depleting...

Scientists discover mRNA may promote cancer

The following information in this article about the possible cancer-promoting effects of the COVID shot has been quickly denounced by (Big Pharma-funded) mainstream media outlets.  Even the medical center from which the apparent evidence originated is denouncing the COVID shot and cancer link. But given the ongoing discoveries surrounding the COVID jab, we find it prudent to take a look...

WHO declares popular artificial sweetener possible carcinogen

The artificial sweetener aspartame has long been considered the dieter’s friend because of its ability to sweeten foods without the caloric or glucose impact of table sugar.  Since 1974, some of the biggest brands in the food industry have used it to replace sugar in their “diet foods and drinks”. However, a recent study raised some serious concerns about the use...

Is Mold Making You Sick?

Prevention of a particular illness is often learned after a person has become a bona fide, card-carrying member of the disease’s survivors club. Lesser-known conditions, the ones without hefty public awareness campaigns, take people by surprise. This is all too often the case with illness caused by mold and the related chemical exposures. Not only are many people unaware...

Unique compounds in pomegranate juice induce cell death in human cancer cells

Among all cancer types, prostate cancer is one of the most common.  It is also the second leading cause of death from cancer among American men.  However, there are natural ways to defend against prostate cancer and other forms of cancer.  One of the most powerful preventative measures is proper dietary supplementation with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents like pomegranate juice. Believe...

10 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

10 Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. The kidneys help to detox and filter impurities from the blood, as well as waste products from your urine. Kidney stones form when the kidneys are not able to process toxins efficiently. Specifically, a crystallization of unprocessed minerals builds up. Kidney...

The Deadly Truth: How Big Pharma’s Profit-Driven Agenda Has Cost Millions of Lives

We put our trust in the pharmaceutical industry to provide us with safe and effective medications to help us live healthier lives. However, behind the facade of innovative medical advancements lies a sordid history of deceit, manipulation, and a relentless pursuit of profit at the expense of public health. This article will expose the dark side of Big Pharma,...

The Silent Epidemic: How Everyday Toxins Impact Your Health and Natural Ways to Fight Bac

We exist in an era marked by remarkable advancements and alarming health hazards. These hazards stem from ubiquitous environmental toxins prevalent in government-approved products – food, medication, and emissions. A comprehensive exploration of these covert risks and effective natural strategies to counteract them is more crucial than ever. The Escalating Crisis of Chronic Diseases In the past two decades, the incidence...