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How Oxalates Can Wreck Your Health

So, just what are oxalates, why are they so bad, and how are they hidden in these superfoods that so many people are consuming? In short, it’s a naturally-occurring toxic, corrosive acid. In that state, it’s called oxalic acid. When the oxalic acid has minerals attached to it, it’s called oxalate. Chemically, it’s a salt, and like other salts, it...

Gut Bacteria Linked to Parkinson’s Disease Development

As you grow older, your immune system just doesn’t work as well as it used to. Scientists call it “immune senescence.” This process is actually considered a hallmark of the aging process itself. Unfortunately, it leaves older folks increasingly susceptible to a variety of health concerns. That’s why I’m writing today. To tell you about a research-proven natural health strategy that offers seniors...

What Is Vitamin B-12 and Why Is It Essential to Your Health?

Vitamin B-12 is an essential vitamin, which means the human body cannot make it on its own and must obtain it through food, supplementation, or in some cases, prescription medication. Known primarily as the “energy vitamin,” this vitally important nutrient plays a role in numerous bodily functions and is a cofactor and catalyst “helper” compound in certain enzymatic processes....

7 Powerful Healing Properties of Bananas

There is much more than meets the eye with the banana. A household favorite, a loss-leader at the grocery store, a metaphor for psychiatric problems, a mainstay of comic slap stick, the banana has woven itself deeply into human affairs, on both gut and mental levels. And this relationship is at least 10,000 years old, as far as conscious...

Antibiotics increase risk of colon cancer, NEW study warns

Antibiotics increase risk of colon cancer, NEW study warns   There are multiple risk factors for developing colon cancer.  So what causes it?  Over half of colorectal cancer cases are related to lifestyle factors, such as age, smoking, diet, and alcohol use. Now, a recent study suggests a strong link between antibiotic use and colon cancer.  Why is this the case, and...

7 Best Foods to Support Kidney Function

Your kidneys provide vital service to your body — they filter waste from your blood and send it to your bladder. They also regulate blood pressure, manage water re-absorption, control the acidity in the body, and balance electrolyte levels. Considering their importance, eating a diet to promote kidney health could be one of the best things you can do....

Sea Cucumbers: A Natural Weapon Against Diabetes Revealed by Cutting-Edge Research

Sea Cucumbers: A Natural Weapon Against Diabetes Revealed by Cutting-Edge Research In the realm of natural remedies, it appears that the sea cucumber, a beloved delicacy in Asian cuisine, has unveiled a new facet of its healing potential. Recent scientific research conducted by the University of South Australia has uncovered that this marine marvel can play a pivotal role in...

The 9 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing and Respiratory Support

The 9 Best Herbs for Lung Cleansing and Respiratory Support Your respiratory system is constantly working. All day, every day, it is the vehicle for oxygen to enter your body. Unfortunately, it can also be an entry point for pollutants, irritants, dust, mold, fungus, harmful organisms, and other toxins. The constant exposure to impurities can take its toll. Fortunately, whether you’re...

Antibiotics increase risk of colon cancer, NEW study warns

Antibiotics increase risk of colon cancer, NEW study warns There are multiple risk factors for developing colon cancer.  So what causes it?  Over half of colorectal cancer cases are related to lifestyle factors, such as age, smoking, diet, and alcohol use. Now, a recent study suggests a strong link between antibiotic use and colon cancer.  Why is this the case, and what...

5 Good Reasons You Should Avoid Fluoridated Water

5 Good Reasons You Should Avoid Fluoridated Water Fluoride was originally added to water supplies back around the time of the end of World War II, but this well-intended practice to improve dental health is still around today, and more and more people are recognizing the possible dangers. Certainly, a lot of people out there will tell you there’s no...