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4 HELICHRYSUM ESSENTIAL OIL BENEFITS & WHY IT’S CALLED THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Referred to as “immortelle” for good reason, helichrysum essential oil benefits for the skin have been touted from generation to generation. However, this ‘fountain of youth’ can do much more than help smooth wrinkles and clear blemishes. There are several helichrysum essential oil benefits that may shock you,...


5 MYRRH ESSENTIAL OIL BENEFITS: ANTIMICROBIAL & WOUND HEALING Myrrh essential oil benefits are well-studied, and are incredible examples of how a historical plant based medicine is relevant today. So, forget about the Christmas story for a minute, myrrh should be on everyone’s radar throughout the entire year! TABLE OF CONTENTS History Of Myrrh Myrrh's Therapeutic Properties 5 Benefits of Myrrh...

Health Benefits of Dark Leafy Greens

Health Benefits of Dark Leafy Greens.   When we think of nature, the color that comes to our mind is “Green.” Green is the color most associated with health and good aspects of life. But, most of us are reluctant to add green food groups to our diet. Most of the young generation is under the influence of artificial flavors and junk...

Support coronary health with THIS amino acid

Support coronary health with THIS amino acid   Every seconds in the world, somebody dies of heart disease.  In fact, cardiovascular disease is currently the leading cause of death in the nation, claiming about millions of lives in 2020 alone. In coronary heart disease – the most common type of heart condition – arteries can’t deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to the...

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body Garlic is used the world over as a culinary spice, but recent research indicates that among its 100+ medicinal properties it is far safer and more effective than a commonly used chelation drug in pulling lead out of the human body. A remarkable study published in the journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology...

All COVID shots contain nanotechnology and graphene oxide, scientists claim

All COVID shots contain nanotechnology and graphene oxide, scientists claim Scientists across the globe are adamant that the COVID vax is laden with nanoparticles.  Though the mainstream media isn’t exactly eager to shine the spotlight on nanotechnology, this seemingly futuristic tech has been selectively featured in forms of entertainment such as Generator Rex. Those with an allegiance to the truth...

The link between COVID shots and cancer: 

The link between COVID shots and cancer: According to the American Cancer Society, “There is no information that suggests that COVID-19 vaccines cause cancer.  There is also no information that suggests these vaccines can make cancer grow or recur (come back).” Reading carefully, you’ll notice that these sentences do not definitively state that “COVID shots do not cause cancer.” Why is...

Top Remedies for Sore Throat

A sore throat is considered a scratchy, dry, and aching feeling in the throat. Among the most usual symptoms of sore throat is pain. What’s more, sore throat calls for more than 13 million visits to the offices of doctors every year. In most cases, sore throats occur through infections or through different external factors, such as extremely dry...

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe The cantaloupe is one of the high-fiber fruits that are often not celebrated enough but does wonder for your health. Its famous cousins like the honey melon and squash with pumpkins get all the limelight with their Halloween-themed occasions, but after reading about the health benefits of this fruit, you will surely consider getting this from...

Pomegranate contains powerful compounds with anti-cancer and heart-protective benefits

The list of advantages of consuming foods rich in antioxidants continues to grow.  But scientists have evidence that one of these antioxidant-rich foods – pomegranate – may reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and reverse plaque buildup in the arterial walls. This is critical news not only for consumers but for scientists whose previous study findings suggested that...