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If the mass media and big pharma funding was not behind the fables printed and told about vaccines being “safe and effective,” the science would prove otherwise. If doctors in the United States criticize or question vaccines, they get shut down immediately by the AMA, CDC and FDA. They are all coached to blame anything else for any injuries or deaths brought about by injections and inoculations that have never been proven safe or effective by science. Even peer-reviewed studies on vaccines are faked, forged and warped to meet the results they want to publish, in fact, some of those studies were already revealed to be computer-generated fraud and had to be retracted.
The theory of how vaccines work is real, but the design of them is not to prevent disease, but rather to cause disorder of the human body, in all systems
The nervous system, the immune system, the digestive system and the vascular system are all now bombarded by toxic vaccines that cause chronic sicknesses and death, and this is not just a long-term concern. Doctors and scientists are blowing the whistle on Covid injections, that are not really vaccines at all. Used to be, vaccines were engineered to ruin good gut bacteria, but now they change human cells to create toxins from within.
The Polio shot spread cancer. Most people do not know that. Simian Virus 40 (SV40) was found in polio vaccines that got injected into 100 million Americans between 1955 and 1963. In case you were unaware, SV40 is a cancer-promoting virus and the CDC once had a fact page on their website about it. It was estimated that up to 30 million Americans could have received a contaminated dose. Got cancer? Check the vaccine ingredients listed on the insert that doctors and nurses never read to you.
That brings us to the 5 most toxic jabs ever invented that damage the human body:
#1. Covid mRNA and protein payload injection “vaccines” and “boosters”
#2. Multi-dose influenza vaccine (a.k.a. flu shot)
#3. Human papillomavirus virus vaccine (HPV)
#4. Measles/mumps/rubella vaccine (MMR)
Today’s vaccines not only contain live versions of diseases they’re not even addressing, but also contain GMOs, hormones from infected cows, pigs, chickens and monkeys, untested virus combinations (like H1N1), aluminum, mercury, emulsifiers and crossbred bacteria from animals, mosquitoes and diseased humans. Here are some other toxic vaccines that should have NEVER been approved for use, much less deemed “safe and effective.”
Measles Live Virus Vaccine: (Attenuvax) Made by Merck. Two injections are given; one at 1 year and another at 4 years old. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, egg protein and human albumin.
Measles and Mumps Live Virus Vaccine: (M-M-Rvax) Made by Merck. Injected into one year old babies. Contains gelatin, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum and human albumin.
Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio Vaccine: Five injections given between 2 and 6 years of age, plus boosters “recommended” every 10 years. Contains formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol and aluminum phosphate.
DTaP, IPV, HBV and Hib*: (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis; polio; hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type B) Given to infants 2 to 12 months with boosters less than a year later. Contains aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde and bovine cow serum.
Gardasil HPV: Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Made by Merck. Administered to children as young as nine years of age for a rare sexually transmitted disease. Contains polysorbate 80, sodium chloride, aluminum and a “denatured” (fragmented and weakened) form of the virus.
And the adverse events that come from specific vaccine ingredients…
• Bovine cow serum: Extracted from cow skin. When injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions.
• Sorbitol: Synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues.
• Gelatin: Derived from the collagen inside animals’ skin and bones. Injecting gelatin poses the risk of infection from synthetic growth hormones and BSE infectivity (mad cow disease).
• Sodium chloride: Raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth.
• Egg protein: Vaccines are prepared in eggs (certainly not organic). May contain growth hormones, antibiotics and salmonella bacteria.
• Thimerosal: A neurotoxic mercury which causes autism: There are 25 mcg in one average flu vaccine, and the EPA safety limit is 5 micrograms, so children who are vaccinated simultaneously with multiple* vaccines receive over 10 times the safety limit of mercury in one day.
• Human albumin: The protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma; when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty and rapid heart rate. Injecting “pooled blood” can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts.
• Formaldehyde: Highly carcinogenic fluid used to embalm corpses. Ranked one of the most hazardous compounds to human health; can cause liver damage, gastrointestinal issues, reproductive deformation, respiratory distress and cancer. Plus, formaldehyde has been known to fail to deactivate the virus the vaccine is intended to cure, thus enabling a live virus to enter your blood and infect your system.
• Phenoxyethanol: A glycol ether/chemical; highly toxic to the nervous system, kidneys and liver. The FDA warns “can cause shut down of the central nervous system (CNS), vomiting and contact dermatitis” in cosmetics; imagine when injected into your blood.
• Aluminum phosphate: Greatly increases toxicity of mercury, so caution about minimum mercury tolerance is therefore severely underestimated. CDC scientists and all doctors are well aware of this.
• MSG (monosodium glutamate): When injected becomes a neurotoxin, causing CNS disorders and brain damage in children.
Apologists for the corrupt vaccine industrial complex are not hard to find
Here’s the story of Dr. Paul Offit, a vaccine scientist and pediatrician who raked in millions from inventing the deadly porcine virus injection he called “RotaTeq.” He sold it to the CDC, bankrolling off even his own patients who, after getting the deadly jab contaminated on purpose with a deadly pig virus called circovirus, children develop horrific intestinal trauma. The irony of it is that rotavirus can cause severe diarrhea, so it’s the perfect cover up.
Like today, with the Covid “clot shot” jabs, all of the vaccine carnage that’s taking place inside the injected sheeple is blamed on pre-existing conditions or “long Covid.” That’s how Dr. Paul Offit made his fortune, by making millions of children sick from a pig virus that should never have been in a vaccine for rotavirus. The Fauci Flu shots should NOT contain instructions for human cells to create billions of prions that clog the blood, the cleansing organs and the brain. This has nothing to do with building immunity to anything at all.
Yet still, the world’s most dangerous pediatrician is still doing his dirty deeds, infecting children across the nation and bankrolling in the process. Should proper checks and balances ever find their way to cross the VIC, the vaccine industrial complex, many doctors and scientists will find themselves in a prison cell staring at those vertical bars for decades to come.
Be sure to ask your healthcare professional if death-by-nano-bot injections are right for you. Surely they are not. Tune your internet dial to for updates on experimental Covid vaccines and boosters that cause blood clots and other horrific side effects.
Editor: Steve.
Disclaimer: this article is not intended to provide medical advice. Views expressed here do not reflect those of GQ or it’s staff.